

Here are a few invocations, in Gaulish and English, to enable you to call on the Dêuoi.

To Cernunnos:

Gediyins gwuyûmi
Eti woxtlus wegyûmi
Carnonon wediûmi
Tigernon Caiti
Dîclâwetos Cingi
Dêwos Arelayetyo Marwon
Eti detyo ulânon
Yo dîclâwetis Cingon Dêwobo,
anson gediyins Dêwobo beretyo.

Prayers I pour out
And words I weave
Carnonos I invoke
The Lord of the Wood
The Opener of the Way
The God Who Guides the Dead
And gives prosperity
That he open the way to the Gods
bear our prayers to the Gods.

To Sironâ:

Gediyins gwuyûmi
Eti woxtlus wegyûmi
Sironin wediûmi
Dêwin Lugrâs
Dêwin Admesserâs
Ariyin Natrigon
Ariyin Andounnânon
Yâ detsi slaniyin amê
Eti wirobo anextlon bouboc.

Prayers I pour out
And words I weave
Sironâ I invoke
The Goddess of the Moon
The Goddess of Time
Lady of Serpents
Lady of Wells
That she give health/safety to us
And protection to people and cattle.

To Rosmertâ:

Gediyins gwuyûmi
eti woxtlûs wegyûmi
Rosmertin wediûmi
Weletin Mârin
Wegyetin Tonketi
Tigernin Tirri
Dêwin Medi Wlati
yâ detsi boudin
eti wirobo anextlon bouboc.

Prayers I pour out
and words I weave
Rosmertâ I invoke
The Great Seeress
The Weaver of Fate
The Lady of the Land
The Goddess of the Mead of Sovereignty
that she give prosperity/victory
and protection to men and cattle.

To Lugus:

Gediyins gwuyûmi
Eti woxtlus wegyûmi
Lugun wediûmi
Dêwon Gaisi
Tigernon Methâs
Dêwon Alkerdânon
Tigernon Louketi
Yo detis wissun me
Eti wirobo anextlon bouboc.

Prayers I pour out
And words I weave
Lugus I invoke
The God of the Spear
The Lord of the Harvest
The God of All Arts
The Lord of Lightning
In thanks that he gave death to the disease
And protection to people and cattle.

To Eponâ:

Gediyins gwuyûmi
Eti woxtlus wegyûmi
Eponin wediûmi
Dêwin Epon
Rîganin Tîri
Dêwin Ulaties
Rîganin Methâs
Yâ detsi boudiyin amê
Eti wirobo anextlon bouboc.

Prayers I pour out
And words I weave
Eponâ I invoke
The Goddess of Horses
The Queen of the Land
The Goddess of Sovereignty
The Queen of the Harvest
That she give prosperity to us
And protection to people and cattle.

To Taranis:

Gediyins gwuyûmi
Eti woxtlus wegyûmi
Taranin wediûmi
Dêwon Taranês
Tigernon Nemi
Dêwon Rotâs
Tigernon Wiriâs
Yo detis boudiyin amê
Eti wirobo anextlon bouboc.

Prayers I pour out
And words I weave
Taranis I invoke
The God of Thunder
The Lord of Heaven
The God of the Wheel
The Lord of Truth
That he give victory to us
And protection to people and cattle.

To Grannus:

Gediyins gwuyûmi
Eti woxtlus wegyûmi
Grannon wediûmi
Dêwon Sunni
Tigernon Slani
Dêwon Tenetodubri
Tigernon Louki
Yo detis slaniyin amê
Eti wirobo anextlon bouboc.

Prayers I pour out
And words I weave
Grannos I invoke
The God of the Sun
The Lord of Health/Safety
The God of the Fiery Water
The Lord of Light
That he give health/safety to us
And protection to people and cattle.

Digression 4 – Crow’s Bluff Reflections

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