Featured Voices

Giving voice to guest authors

On Representation: The Frailty of Images

On Representation: The Frailty of Images

Portraiture is a notoriously difficult art form. The portraitist is charged with luring us into perceiving, within the It of paint and canvas, of stone or plaster or wood, a majestic You. Though this alone is the drive of any artist, to winnow down all possible forms until only the alluring It remains, an It that beguiles us over and over again into finding something like a You within it. The essential deed of art…

Preparing the Way of the Gods

Preparing the Way of the Gods

John Beckett, November 2014 Preparing the Way of the Gods Polytheists are a minority within a minority. Within the Big Tent of Paganism, our numbers are small compared to those for whom many Gods are an afterthought and Gods with agency aren’t even that. But even if you lump us together with occultists, kitchen witches, and tree huggers, we’re still extremely small compared to the dominant monotheists and the rapidly-growing atheists. From our tiny vantage…

Dr. Strangegod, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My God.

Dr. Strangegod, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My God.

Joyous Madness, October 21, 2014  Dr. Strangegod, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My God. There has been a lot of talk about animal sacrifice over the last short while in certain corners of Dionysian Polytheism. I have spent most of that few days reading, doing divination, and talking to Sannion, founder of the Thiasos of the Starry Bull, about the subject. The Thiasos, for those not in the know, is a fairly new Bacchic…

creating the old & borrowing the new

creating the old & borrowing the new

James Hoscyns, Oct. 13, 2014 creating the old & borrowing the new Language is undeniably an important facet of spiritual practice. As an aspect of simple communication, it lets us convey our beliefs to others. We raise words up to the divine through the shaping of intent and the molding of prayer. We lurk on web forums and set fire to the comment sections in defense and make war with trolls. No matter what, we…


Religions of Relation: Dynamics in Modern Polytheism

  Anomalous Thracian, The Irresolute Desk, September 30, 2014 This morning while waking up into my pot of coffee, I watched a video piece showcasing the impact that one species in an ecosystem could have upon the entire system. While the video itself was slightly sensationalist and, indeed, possibly taking a liberal approach to some of the facts it was levying about, it served as a useful starting point for discussions around the importance of…


Shines within darkness

Why are we here? What is our larger purpose in life? What lies beyond the short span of years we possess with this realm… does anything? Are there gods, creators, or any other supernatural entity that oversees or coordinates our existence? These are just a few of the questions we either have or should be asking ourselves. Our existence is defined by the journey we make, and without questioning that existence, it is a sadly…