

Updates! New multi-author column announced

Our third announcement of the week! Polytheist.com will soon feature a new multi-author column that will be unveiled later this season, showcasing entirely anonymous authors, sharing personal and informal accounts of liminal, ritual, magical and ecstatic experiences within their pursuits as Polytheists. This track shall hold accounts of profound or terrifying or tragic or awakening moments as experienced directly by the writers, without the weight of being identified by name. Names are powerful things, which…

Updates! New site design, and call for submissions!

June 23, 2015: Welcome to the new face of Polytheist.com, rebuilt and relaunched with a new engine under the hood and a more stable hosting environment. It’s an bustling week here, with new content and all kinds of exciting updates! Follow us on Facebook for the most recent of everything, or subscribe to our RSS feed! Update: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS! As a new feature with the site, four times a year — Solstices and Equinoxes —…