

1. Meaning of Name: Olmstead gives us “of conflicts”, and “the warrior”. Green has no suggestions. Mackillop says, “powerful”. None are remotely certain of their etymologies.1
2. Pronuncation: Kam-UL-us, with the “a” like the “u” in “but”, and the “u” like in “put”.
3. Other Names and Epithets: Very many. Olmstead and Green between then give: Armogios, Cocidios, Caturix, Latobios, Magenios, Marmogius, Medocios, Meduriris, Mogetious, Mogios, Mullo, Nabelcus, Neto, Riocaletis, Rigonemetis, Rudianus, Rudiobus, Segomo, and Sinatis.2
4. Interpretatio Romana: Mars and Mercury.3
5. Irish Equivalent: There are suggestions in obsolete works that Cumhail, the father of Fionn, has a name derived from him. No scholar accepts that today. I personally tend to think that the deeds of warrior heroes such as Cuchulainn might also have some relation, but this is UPG.
6. Indo-European Equivalent: None.
7. Realm: Ueronados/Upper World God
8. Iconography: Green shows that horses, horsemen, and infantry, sometimes with shields, sometimes with severed heads, are associated with several by-names of this God. Mackillop mentions that He is ram-horned.4
9. Significance: Kondratiev says of an equivalent of him that “he is the God who sets the boundaries of the civilized world and protects them by force of arms”. Thus he is a God of defense of the tribe, or war, and of warriors. He is also a God of boundaries and borders, and, by this as well as his association with Mars, can be linked to fields, and to agriculture.5

  1. Olmsted, Gods of the Celts and Indo-Europeans, pp. 334-335; Green, Dictionary, p. 141; Mackillop, p.74
  2. Green, Dictionary, pp. 143-144, 181; Olmsted, Gods of the Celts and Indo-Europeans, pp. 319-320, 322-323, 324-328
  3. Olmsted, Gods of the Celts and Indo-Europeans, pp. 328-329; Green, Dictionary, p. 208-209
  4. Green, Dictionary, pp. 209, 181, 188, Mackillo
  5. Kondratiev, Basic Celtic Deity Types

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