Îuos Lugous – The Feast of Lugus

Îuos Lugous – The Feast of Lugus

I. This is a Gaulish ritual for Îuos Lugous, or Lughnasadh. It follows the pattern of other Gaulish rituals I have written, with the exception of the Natus, in this case, a praise poem directed to Lugus. Probably the best offerings to give would be hard apple cider, good wine, or hard liquor of any kind. The ritual should take place on the first of Elembiuos, or else the new moon closest to the first of August.

II. Urextus Noibodubri/Making of Holy Water: Hold cup of water or point at it. Say:

Esîtu Matir Dêwon, Woberus Albiwâs,
Esîtu berus alwissous, Alrunodelgetâ,
Esîtu Alboudidêwâ, Dêwâ Ulani,
Esîtu Dêwâ Talamonos, Berus Alulatês,
Cenâ tu, wastî emmos, canti tu emmos lânos.

You are the Mother of the Gods, the Source of All Life,
You are the Source of All Wisdom, The Keeper of All Secrets,
You are the Goddess of All Victories, The Goddess of Abundance,
You are the Goddess of the Land, The Source of All Sovereignty,
Without we are empty, with you, we are full.

III. Glanosagon/Purification: Sprinkle water onto all participants. Say:

Glanosagûmi suos, entrâsetyos in anton noibon, encesetyos are Dêwobi.

I purify you all, that you may enter the holy place, that you may come before the Gods.

IV. Kentus/The Beginning:

A. Urextus Noiboteni/Making of Sacred Fire: Light the fire candle. Say:

Esîtu medios alpetânon, aidus cintus in tanî cintî,
Esîtu louxs sonni, randityo dîyon es noxtiê,
Esîtu aidus papas aidletâs, papon aidun âwotor es te,
Esîtu duxtir Taranês, Anatiâ Albiin in Bitê,
Te âwûmi aide, in cingê Brigantiâs.

You are the center of all things, the first fire, at the beginning of time,
You are the light of the sun, which marks out day from night,
You are the flame of every hearth, all flames are lit from you,
You are the Daughter of Taranis, the Soul of Heaven in this World.
I make you, flame, in the Way of Brigantiâ

B. Urextus Cagii/Making of the Rampart: Light small candle. Take it about the holy space, saying:

Glanosagûmi soanton louki noibi Brigantiâs
Eti anegûmi soanton louki noibi Brigantiâs,
So estî nu noiboantos.

I purify these precincts by the holy light of Brigantiâ,
And I protect these precincts by the holy light of Brigantiâ,
This is now a holy place.

V. Areadbertâ/Pre-offering

A. Adbertâ Tenû/Fire Offering: Light incense with Fire Candle. Place in holder, saying:

Demmos sotun te, tene,
Demmos sotun te, Duxtir Taranês,
Demmos sotun te, Brigantiâ,
Esiyo nertos,
Eti anagesyo soanton uritt aldrukon.

We offer you this incense, o fire,
We offer you this incense, Daughter of Taranis,
We offer you this incense, Brigantiâ,
That you be strong,
And that you protect this place against all evil.

B. Adbertâ Cernunnû/Offering to Cernunnos: Pour out a small amount of wine into the offering bowl. Say:

Gediyûs gwuyûmi,
Eti woxtlus wegyûmi,
Cernounnon wediûmi,
Tegernon Caiti,
Dîclâwetos Cingi,
Dêwos Arelayetyo Marwon,
Eti Detyo Ulânon,
Yo dîclâwetis cingon Dêwobo,
Eti anson petiins Dêwobo beretyo.

Prayers I pour out,
And words I weave,
Cernunnos I invoke,
The Lord of the Wood,
The Opener of the Way,
The God Who Guides the Dead,
And Brings Abundance,
That he open the way to the Gods,
And bear our prayers to the Gods.

VI. Adbertâ/Offering: Pour out wine from bottle, saying:

Gediyins gwuyûmi
eti woxtlûs wegyûmi
Rosmertin wediûmi
Weletin Mârin
Wegyetin Tonketi
Tigernin Tirri
Dêwin Medi Wlati
yâ detsi boudin ame
eti wirobo anextlon bouboc.

Prayers I pour out
and words I weave
Rosmertâ I invoke
The Great Seeress
The Weaver of Fate
The Lady of the Land
The Goddess of the Mead of Sovereignty
that she give prosperity to us
and protection to men and cattle.

Gediyins gwuyûmi
Eti woxtlus wegyûmi
Lugun wediûmi
Dêwon Gaisi
Tigernon Methâs
Dêwon Alkerdânon
Tigernon Lugyâs
Yo detis boudion ame
Eti wirobo anextlon bouboc.

Prayers I pour out
And words I weave
Lugus I invoke
The God of the Spear
The Lord of the Harvest
The God of All Arts
The Lord of the Oath
In thanks that he give Prosperity to us
And protection to people and cattle.

VII. Natus/Chant: Croon:

Lugû Boudacû
Cingemos ander to sketê
Lugû Gaisi Windi,
Eti Cladebi Windi,
Gegwanasyo Durîgen,
Peteemos biesyo onco nos
Cingete Nemi,
Arye eti Rîge Dêwon
Lugû Boudacû
Anson Arelayte
Lugû Boudacû
Konetê anson sulion.

In cariyî Dêwi,
Wer lânon, wer belson,
Eti wer dumion, ogron brûcariâs
Ceti retesyomos wer worin,
Eti tras talamun caleton
Anxton negalnet in bongîmî wer nos
Ander to sketê,
Lugû Boudacû
Werte anson cridiyon
Lugû Boudacû
Anagetos Biti esîtu.

VIII. Clawiyâ/Closing

A. Braton Maponô/Thanks to Maponus:

Braton tei, Maponû
Are slanon,
Are boudion,
Are anextlon,
Molammos te!

Thanks to you, Maponus,
For health,
For prosperity,
For protection,
We praise you!

B. Braton Eponai/Thanks to Eponâ:

Braton tei, Eponâ,
Are slanon,
Are boudion,
Are anextlon,
Molammos te!

C. Braton Cernunnû/Thanks for Cernunnos:

Braton tei, Cernunne,
Are dîclawiyin cingi,
Are beriyin anson pettiins
Nu, pettiemmos te, yo claswes cingon,
Eti molammos te!

D. Clitâ Noiboteni/Covering the Sacred Fire: Say to the candle flame:

Esîtu medyos alpetânon, aidus cintus in tanî cintî,
Esîtu louxs sonni, randityo dîyon es noxtiê,
Esîtu aidus papas aidletâs, papun aidun âwotor es te,
Esîtu Duxtir Taranês, Anatiâ Albiin in Bitê,
Te celûmi, aide, in cingê Brigantiâs.

You are the center of all things, the first fire and the beginning of time,
You are the light of the sun, which marks out day from night,
You are the fire of every hearth, all fires are lit from you,
You are the Daughter of Taranis, the soul of heaven in this world,
I cover you, fire, in the way of Brigantiâ.

Now, put out the candle flame. Say:

Adbertin uregetar, uregetar Litun. Con nertê, anextlêc Dêwon, au nemeton exsagomos.

The offering is done, done is the rite. With strength and the protection of the Gods, let us go from the nemeton.

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  1. Well done.