Atriâ Dêwon – The Genealogy of the Gods

Atriâ Dêwon – The Genealogy of the Gods

This rather lengthy poem was written in fits and starts of inspiration over the course of a couple weeks. It has been only minimally checked as to vocabulary and grammar. I use words from the Old Celtic Lexicon, which specifically says not to use it as a citable source, so from a scholarly point of view, the poem is already beyond the pale. I also don’t like the repetitiveness of some of it. “Thus and so is a God/dess” at the beginning and end of each stanza hardly seems inspired, but it’s the best I can do. For the most part, I wrote it in Gaulish first, then translated it into English and did what little checking I have done.

It’s written in an attempt at an 11 syllable meter, with a caesura, alliteration, and some rhyme here and there. I can’t keep it up with anything like consistency, though, so my metrical scheme is more aspiration than reality.

As to the contents of the poem, it’s mostly a laundry list of deities and spirits, with hints of another creation myth different from Adbertos Yemoni, as well as bits and pieces of other myths and a few bits of genealogy. It more hints at things than spells them out, but a lot of real old Celtic language poetry is like that. There no attempt to credit the numberless influences on the poem. I wrote in such a state that I can hardly remember where this or that bit came from in any case. Most of it is standard stuff that will get credited in later discussions. However, I can’t promise to stick consistently with this poem when the time comes to actually talk about Gods. My discussion of deities in the column will be scholarship mixed with some UPG. This is neither. This is art.

A few credits I do remember: my take is Maponus is informed by some discussions with Christopher Scott Thompson about this deity. My discussion of Cernunnos owes a little to the work of C. Lee Vermeers, Ceisiwr Serith, and Frances Fray Bober on this deity, though departs from their visions in various ways. Serith’s work also informs my perspective on Grannus. Michael Enright’s Lady with a Mead Cup informs my take on Rosmertâ. My perspective on Lugus is powerfully influenced by an article by John Koch entitled Further to tongu do dia toinges mo thuath [“Mi a dyngaf dynged it”], &c. My take on several Goddesses is coming to be influenced by that of Morpheus Ravenna, from her not-yet-published Book of the Great Queen, though there are other influences as well.

Sos sentî Dêwoi Galetion				So estî kordâ Dêwon
Dêwoi senoi, au kentê					Au dumnê, au nemê
Atriyâ Dêwon noibon					Dêwon toutânon
Dêwoi eti Dêwâs						Sos sentî Dêwoi Galetion.
Anderoi buwânt cintus					Are Bitun, in dumnê
Anderoi drukoi waxtoic					Trebânt in gruwosman
Au Anderobi encât					Rîganâ encât swâ
Rîganâ Dêwâ Cintâ					Matir Dêwon swâ

Taranis estî atir					Atir Dêwon in nemê
Dêwos Nemi, Loucetic					Dêwos Rotâs Sleibic
Estîs Marwetos Drîgos					Dêwos Wiriâs, swâ
Dêwos co Gutê Mârê					Taranis estî atir
Eponâ estî Rîganâ					Rîganâ Epon swâ
Rîganâ Talamonos					Rîganâ Eporedon
Rîganâ Ulati swâ					Ulati Toutâs
Areletiâ Marwon						Eponâ estî Rîganâ
Rosmertâ estî Rîganâ					Uidluâ Mârâ
Rîganâ Medi Ulati					Ulati Coryi,
Co slatî Uidluâs swâ					Dêwâ Toncnaman
Wegyet ollon estîyo					Rosmertâ estî Rîganâ
Lugus estî Tigernos					Dêwos Gaisi swâ
Estîs Gnatos Cernunni					Marwetos Durîgos
Estîs Tigernos Coryi swâ				Dêwos Lugyâs swâ
Toncâtyo Toncnamnûs					Lugus estî Tigernos
Boduâ estî Rîganâ					Rîganâ Cathon
Cathuboduâ estsi swâ					Dêwâ Orgeton
Tigernâ Cingeton swâ					Delgetyâ eyonon Batûs
Cantletyâ Toncnamnûs					Boduâ estî Rîganâ
Camulus estî Dêwos					Estîs Dêwos Cathi
Estîs Rudianus swâ					Estîs Rudiobus swâ
Estîs Cauâros Mâros					Dêwos co Cladebê
Detyo alboudion swâ					Camulus estî Dêwos
Nantosueltâ Rîganâ					Estsi Rîganâ Dumni
Rîganâ Ulani swâ					Dêwâ Tegoslougi
Detyâ ollon dagon swâ					Rîganâ Bekon
Detyâ knutûs argantonc					Nantosueltâ Rîganâ
Sucellus estî Dêwos					Estîs Dêwos Dumni swâ
Dêwos co Ordê Mârê					Co Pannî Ulani
Detyos ollon dagon swâ					Dêwos Donnos Mâros
Detyo knutûs argontonc					Sucellus estî Dêwos
Briganâ estî Dêwâ					Dêwâ Aidletâs
Dêwâ Aidi Windi swâ					Duxtir Taranês swâ
Dêwâ Medii Noibi swâ					Eti Dêwâ Briganton
Dêwâ Tegoslougi swâ					Briganâ estî Dêwâ
Cernunnos estî Dêwos					Atir Noibos Lugi
Diclawetos Cingi					Cingi Dêwobo swâ
Areletios Marwon					Pennosenisteros
Eti Rîxs Marwon swâ					Cernunnos estî Dêwos
Sironâ estî Dêwâ estsi					Dêwâ Lugrâs
Dêwâ Admessarâs swâ					Rîganâ Tsirânon
Estsi Dêwâ Natrigon					Dêwâ Andounânon
Detyâ Slaniin swâ					Sironâ estî Dêwâ
Grannus estî Dêwos					estîs Dêwos Louki
Dêwos Teni in Dubrê					delgetyo Andounnin
Andounnin Slaniâs swâ					Liyagos estîs swâ
Liyagos welisamos					Grannus estî Dêwos
Sulis estî Dêwâ						Dêwâ Sâwelii
Dêwâ Roudii Baragii					Dêwâ Dii Windi
Dêwâ Letonoxtii swâ					Weletyâ ollon swâ
Eti dede slaniin					Sulis estî Dêwâ
Ogmios estî Dêwos					Estîs Dêwos Nertos
Dêwos Lânos Galâs swâ					Dêwos Caletos swâ
Dêwos Dungwi Arganti					Dêwos Lânos Wati
Estîs Dêwos Senos swâ					Ogmios estî Dêwos
Maponos estî Dêwos					Dêwos Yowinkos swâ
Wonesâtyo in Dumnon					wer trition dion
Trebâtyo intir Anderûs					Wisset Brixtom Anderon
Wermonasyo in Bitun					Maponus estî Dêwos
Toutatîs sentî Dêwoi					Dêwoi Toutânon swâ
Sentei Dêwoi Contrebion					Dêwoi Trebânon swâ
Cauaroi Toutânon swâ					Dêwoi Cnocon Caitonc
Menekos Senisteroi					Toutatîs sentî Dêwoi
Toutodêwâs sentî swâ					Dêwâs Toutânon swâ
Sentsies Dêwâs Contrebion				Dêwâs Trebânon swâ
Tigernâs Talamwos swâ					Dêwâs Abonânon
Co ulatê wer brogion					Toutodêwâs sentî swâ
Dêwâs Matres sentî					Dêwâs Toutânon swâ
Sentsies Dêwâs Contrebion				Dewâs Trebânon swâ
Toni Dêwâs Weniânon					Wegyontyâs Toncnaman
Menekos Senisterâs					Dêwâs Matres Sentî
Talamodêwoi sentî					Dêwoi biccoi papâs pettiâs
Papi Clocci, Papi Prenni				eti Papi Tegi
Dusioi sentî allatoi					Trebânt in caitê swâ
Bongent prennûs knutûs swâ				Dusioi sentî allatoi
Anderoi trebânt in Dumnê				In gruwosmnê swâ
Trebânt ander bitun swâ					Co brixtom nerton swâ
Anderoi drukoi waxtoic					Anderoi wissacoi
Pos trebânt in gruwosmnê				Anderoi trebânt in Dumnê
Sos sentî Dêwoi Galetion				So estî kordâ Dêwon
Dêwoi senoi, au kentê					Au dumnê, au nemê
Atriyâ Dêwon noibon					Dêwon toutânon
Dêwoi eti Dêwâs						Sos sentî Dêwoi Galetion.
These are the God of the Galatîs			This is the company of the Gods
The Old Gods, from the beginning			From the Underworld, from Heaven
The Genealogy of the Holy Gods				The Gods of the Tribes
The Gods and Goddesses					These are the Gods of the Galatîs
The Anderoi were first					Before the world, in the Underworld
The Aneroi evil and bad					Lived in the darkness
From the Anderoi came					The Queen came, so
The Queen, the First Goddess				The Mother of the Gods, so.
Taranis is Father					Father of the Gods, in Heaven
The God of Heaven, and of Lightning			The God of the Wheel, and of the Mountain
He is the Slayer of the Dragon				The God of Truth, so
The God with the Great Voice,				Taranis is Father.
Eponâ is a Queen					Queen of Horses, so
Queen of the Earth,					Queen of Cavalry
Queen of Sovereignty, so				Sovereignty of the Tribe
Guide of the Dead,					Eponâ is a Queen.
Rosmertâ is a Queen					The Great Seeress
Queen of the Mead of Sovereignty			Sovereignty of the Warband
With the Wand of the Seeress, so			Goddess of Fate
Who Weaves All Things					Rosmertâ is a Queen
Lugus is Lord,						The God of the Spear, so
He is the Son of Cernunnos				the Slayer of the Evil King
He is the Lord of the Warband, so			the God of the Oath, so
Who Swears Destinies					Lugus is Lord
Boduâ is a Queen					Queen of Battles
Cathuboduâ She is, so					The Goddess of Slaughters
The Lady of Heroes, so					Who holds their deaths
Who sings fates						Boduâ is a Queen
Camulus is a God					He is the God of Battle
He is Rudianus, so					He is Rudiobus, so
He is a Great Hero					The God with the Sword,
Who gives all victory, so				Camulus is a God
Nantosueltâ Queen					Is the Queen of the Underworld
The Queen of Abundance, so				The Queen of the Household
Who gives all good, so					The Queen of Bees
She gives crops and silver				Queen Nantosueltâ
Sucellus is a God					He is God of the Underworld, so
The God with the Great Hammer				The God with the Cup of Abundance
Who gives all good, so					The Great Dark Lord
Who gives crops and silver				Sucellus is a God
Briganâ is a Goddess					The Goddess of the Hearth
The Goddess of the Shining Flame, so			The Daughter of Taranis, so
The Goddess of the Sacred Center, so			And the Goddess of High Places
The Goddess of the Household, so			Briganâ is a Goddess
Cernunnos is a God					The Holy Father of Lugus
The Opener of the Way					The Way to the Gods, so
The Guide of the Dead					The First Ancestor
And the King of the Dead, so				Cernunnos is a God
Sironâ is a Goddess					She is the Goddess of the Moon
The Goddess of Time, so					The Queen of the Stars
She is the Goddess of Serpents				The Goddess of Wells
Who Gives Health/Safety, so				Sironâ is a Goddess
Grannus is a God					He is the God of Light
The God of Fire in Water				Who Keeps the Well
The Well of Health/Safety, so				He is a Physician, so
The Greatest of Physicians				Grannus is a God
Sulis is a Goddess					The Goddess of the Sun
The Goddess of Red Morning				The Goddess of the Shining Day
The Goddess of Twlight, so				Who Sees All, so
And gives health/safety					Sulis is a Goddess
Ogmios is a God						He is a Mighty God
A God Full of Warrior Rage, so				A Hard God, so
The Silver Tongued God					The God Full of Inspiration
He is an old God, so					Ogmios is a God
Maponus is a God					He is the Younng God, so
Who Descended into Dumnos				On the Third Day
Who lived among the Anderoi				Who knows the Magic of the Anderoi
Who Rose into the World					Maponus is a God
Toutatîs are Gods					Gods of Tribes, so
They are Gods of Districts				Gods of Settlements, so
Heroes of Tribes, so					Gods of Hills and Forests
Often Ancestors						Toutatîs are Gods
Toutodêwâs are, so					Goddesses of Tribes, so
They are Goddesses of Districts				Goddesses of Settlements, so
Ladies is the Land, so					Goddesses of Rivers
With Sovereignty over Countries				Toutodêwâs are, so
The Dêwâs Matres are					The Goddesses of Tribes, so
They are the Goddesses of Districts			Goddesses of Settlements, so
Also the Goddesses of Families				Who Weave Fate
Often Female Ancestors					The Dêwâs Matres are
The Talamodêwoi are					The Small Gods of Each Thing
Each Stone, Each Tree					And of Each House
The Dusioi are wild					They live in the forest, so
They break trees and crops				The Dusioi are wild
The Anderoi dwell in Dumnos				in the darkness, so
They dwell under the world, so				with mighty magic, so
The Anderoi evil and bad				The Wise Anderoi
Who dwell in the darkness				The Anderoi dwell in Dumnos
These are the God of the Galatîs			This is the company of the Gods
The Old Gods, from the beginning			From the Underworld, from Heaven
The Genealogy of the Holy Gods				The Gods of the Tribes
The Gods and Goddesses					These are the Gods of the Galatîs
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  1. This is beautiful, and I am now completely intrigued by your work with Gaulish deities. I have been creating/reconstructing cultus to the Matronae, and I’m very interested in your references to the Toutodêwâs and the Dêwâs Matres in particular.

  2. Can you post an audio recording of this?!