

1. Meaning of Name: Green suggests “Winding River” or “Mandering Brook”.1 Olmsted suggests “Sun Warmed Valley” or “Who Makes the Valley Bloom”.2
2. Pronunciation: Nun-TAW-swel-taa, with the first “u” sound like in “Gus”.
3. Other Names and Epithets: None.
4. Interpretatio Romana: None.
5. Irish Equivalent: None known.
6. Indo-European Equivalent: None known.
7. Realm: Andernadâ/Underworld Goddess
8. Iconography: Green sees her iconography in terms of a patera, a house on a pole, a raven or other bird, a pot, a cornucopia, and wine barrels.3 Olmsted sees her iconography in similar terms, olla, purse and bird, a house on a pole, raven, and cornucopia
9. Significance: Olmsted sees Nantosueltâ as a Goddess of the Underworld, particularly in its role as a Celtic Elysium, the Otherworld Paradise. My own work with her suggests this role, as well, but also patronage of fertility, wealth, wine, and the kind of wisdom that comes from the Underworld.4 Morpheus Ravenna, in The Book of the Great Queen, sees her as a river Goddess associated with fertility, land, wisdom, and funerary qualities, associated with a tribal father-God whose attributes include warlike and sustaining elements.5

  1.  Green, Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend, pp. 157-158
  2.  Olmsted, Gods of the Celts and Indo-Europeans, p. 42
  3. Green, Dictionary, p. 157-158
  4. Olmsted, Gods of the Celts and Indo-Europeans, pp. 300-302
  5. Morpheus Ravenna, Book of the Great Queen, pp. 133-134

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One Comment


  1. Why do you assume the -a- in Nant is pronounced like an -u- in “Gus”?